Using the Schwartz Rounds Evaluation Form

We ask that you assess the success of each Schwartz Rounds® session using our evaluation tool. Evaluation data will help your teams understand the focus and frequency of your Schwartz Rounds sessions, topics covered, and opportunities to provide additional support.

We recommend a specific set of questions for in-person Schwartz Rounds, Unit-Based Schwartz Rounds, and Virtual Schwartz Rounds. You may choose to tailor these questions to your organization or to create additional questions. Some organizations add specific questions to the evaluations that will support accreditation for continuing education credits for a range of professions.

While some organizations find that paper copies of the form are the most effective way to distribute evaluations, other organizations utilize survey and polling tools. Regardless of how your Planning Committee chooses to collect participant feedback, we ask that you send tabulated survey data to after each session.

Please reach out to your Member Experience Advisor if questions or concerns arise before or after a Schwartz Rounds session.

Additional Ways to Evaluate the Success of Schwartz Rounds

In addition to using our evaluation forms, you may choose to evaluate your Schwartz Rounds in a myriad of ways. Some organizations collect anecdotal information on comment cards, and others track patient and employee experience data. If you note trends or inspirational stories, please connect with your Member Experience Advisor to share.