Unit-Based Schwartz Rounds®

Unit-Based Schwartz Rounds (UBSR) offer teams a way to bring the important conversations of Schwartz Rounds to unit-based teams, enabling them to reflect together on the social and emotional experiences that affect healthcare providers in a more intimate setting.

Features of UBSR

  • Stories from at least two panelists are used as a springboard to bring everyone into a discussion
  • Discussion is led by a Facilitator from outside the unit or team
  • Confidential
  • Open to all who work on the unit at any time
  • 60 minutes long

Goals and Rationale for UBSR

  • To deepen organizational compassion practices
  • To extend the benefits of Schwartz Rounds to staff who are unable to attend organization-wide Schwartz Rounds
  • To support psychological and emotional well-being of staff in a way that responds to the specific needs and culture of the unit-based teams[1] [2]
  • To build cohesion, reinforce team identity, and shift culture through perspective-taking and mutual support

  1. Lown BA, Manning CF, Acad Med. 2010; 85:1073-1081.
  2. Maben J, et al. Southhampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Nov. PMID: 3041750

What Are the Differences Between UBSR and Organization-Wide Schwartz Rounds?

Successful UBSR leaders will:

  • Partner with unit leaders to explore context and challenges to help support their staff
  • Tailor sessions to enable participants to address their goals
  • Address group dynamics among team members, noting the potential for heightened emotion or conflict
  • Manage the boundaries of UBSR conversations
  • Hand off systems issues that emerge during the session

What Defines a “Unit?”

For the purposes of UBSR, a “unit” can be defined by physical location, service line or can simply refer to a group of individuals who work together as a team. UBSR can be conducted virtually or – when possible – on the care units, wards and ambulatory medical and surgical settings.

If you are interested in our UBSR training course, please visit our Member Learning Center and self-enroll through our full course Catalog. Usernames are the email addresses provided to the Schwartz Center. If you would like access to our Member Learning Center, please request login information here.